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As a bride, you are under immense pressure to make sure everything is perfect on your big day. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to making some pretty big mistakes. To help you avoid making the same mistakes as others, we’ve compiled a list of the top 8 bride mistakes.

Not able to stop in time

It’s okay to look at wedding blogs, Instagram, and Pinterest for ideas while you’re planning your wedding. But don’t do it too much, or you might get confused about what you want. All the weddings you see online are beautiful, so it’s easy to second-guess yourself. Once you’ve chosen the key elements of your wedding (like the dress and the style), it’s best to forget about all the other weddings you’ve seen and focus on yours.

Comparing your wedding to others

It can be hard not to compare your wedding to others you see. But it is important to stop comparing and focus on your wedding. Every day, there are new weddings and new ideas. It is impossible to copy them all! Just remember that your wedding will be the best because it is yours!

outdoor wedding


Not having a backup plan

You might have your heart set on an outdoor wedding, but what if it rains? It’s always important to have a backup plan! The same goes for your hair and makeup. If you’re planning on doing your hair and makeup, make sure you have a professional on standby if something goes wrong.


It can be tricky to make a final choice, whether buying a dress or choosing food for a banquet. But if you have already chosen, stop doubting yourself. You might be able to find better options if you keep looking, but you have to make a decision eventually. It’s better to do this sooner rather than closer to the wedding date.

Trying to please everyone

Your wedding day is about you and your partner, not your guests. Trying to please everyone with your wedding day choices can be tempting, but this will only make you unhappy with the final result. So stick to your guns, and don’t let anyone else’s opinion sway you from what you really want!

Don’t delegate responsibilities

Just because you’re the bride doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks to your bridesmaids, family, and friends. They will be more than happy to help out! This way, you can focus on enjoying your wedding day instead of worrying about all the little details.

Worrying about things you can’t control

Some things are out of your control, like the weather or whether your guests will enjoy themselves. Instead of worrying about these things, focus on the things you can control, like your happiness. If you’re happy, then everything else will fall into place!

Forgetting to enjoy your wedding day

The most important thing to remember on your wedding day is to have fun! After all, it’s a celebration of your love. So don’t get too caught up in the details and forget to enjoy yourself!

Just remember, your wedding day is about you and your partner. So as long as you’re happy, everything else will fall into place!