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The State of California has established its own unique regulations that apply to California residents.  If you reside in California, you have the right to obtain from us, once per year and free of charge, information regarding what information we disclose to third party marketers, and the names and addresses of each third party to whom we disclose your data.  If you are a California resident and would like to make such a request, please use the contact information listed below.

If you are a California resident and under the age of 18, you  have the right to request that we remove any data that you publicly post on our website. To request removal of your data, please use the contact information listed below. Note that while we will remove your data that is publicly posted on our website, we may not be able to completely remove that data from our systems.

Newsletter Privacy

We offer the opportunity for you to volunteer certain information to us that is used for email and marketing purposes. This information includes, but is not limited to, your name and email. You will have an opportunity to unsubscribe from any future communications via email, but we reserve the right to maintain a database of past email subscribers. We reserve the right to use this information as reasonably necessary in our business and as provided by law. Your information will be shared with reasonably necessary parties for the ordinary course of conducting our business, such as through Facebook ads or Google Pay Per Click marketing campaigns. We do not ever sell your information to third parties.


If any part of these Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy is deemed unlawful and/or unenforceable, all other provisions contained herein will remain in full force and effect.

Entire Agreement

The information contained herein constitutes the entire agreement between site users and our company relating to the use of this website.

Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy are governed by and construed in accordance with United States law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the information contained herein is subject to adjudication in the state of Tulsa.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected].